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Agitadores, mezcladores, removedores... GoldSpray

Electric Industrial Agitator IBC-CCR

Agitator Vertical HR- GoldSpray

Viscofluidjet SRT Helix

Vertical Electric stirrer  HR- GoldSpray

Folding helix

Vertical Electric agitator  HR- GoldSpray

Viscofluidjet SRT Helix

Soporte placa contenedor IBC CCR

Sujección Plancha modelo P

Soporte placa contenedor IBC CCR par Fenwich

Sujección Plancha modelo F

Soporte tubos contenedor IBC CCR

Sujección tubular modelo T

Soporte tubos contenedor IBC CCR tubular con gancho

Sujección tubular modelo TG

Soporte tubos contenedor IBC CCR tubular con gancho y acople para fenwich

Sujección tubular modelo TGF

Contenedor IBC-CCR 1000 litros- GoldSpray

Contenedor IBC-CCR 800 a 1000 litros

Agitator Vertical HR Viscofluidjet SRT- GoldSpray

Viscofluidjet SRT Helix

Industrial CCR stirrer, horizontal, motor drive IBC-HR Series

  • Agitator type to IBC-CCR is designed to be able to be elevated by a Fenwich

    Agitator to attach on IBC-CCR containers with folding propellers

  • We manufacture propellers according to the customer's needs (we recommend a diameter of the propeller 1/3 the diameter of the container and that has 20 to 30 cm of margin to the bottom and never touch it, even closed)

    We are manufacturers and carry out a design customized to the needs of each client.

  • An agitator must transmit an axial and/or radial movement to a fluid in a container. With this you can search for stirring, dispersing, homogenizing stages, preventing sedimentation, homogenize temperatures.

    In Goldspray we manufacture and we make a custom design for the needs of each client.